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5G Use Cases

31 May

Self-protection Use Case

GOAL: Detect and mitigate effects of cyber-attacks and restore 5G network traffic to a steady state of security.
HOW: VNFs (virtual Traffic monitor/DPI, virtual Threat Management System, virtual honeynets, virtual Intrusion Protection System) deployed and chained at different locations of the network (e.g., at the mobile access, PoP or in the core).
• New way of deploying multi-tenant security services distributed across edge and core 5G networks.
• New business opportunities for network and service providers (security as a service).

Self-healing Use Case

GOAL: Detect and predict common failures/malfunctioning in 5G network infrastructure (hw/sw failures, infrastructure/operation vulnerabilities or power supply interruptions) to apply reactive or preventive recovery.
HOW: Self-healing analyzer to infer Health of Network metrics coupled with self-healing diagnosis intelligence to derive potential problems. Decision making intelligence to realize proactive healing responses.
• Intelligent management capabilities to improve the QoE/QoS of 5G systems.
• Infrastructure metrics and SLAs indicators to infer HoN metrics and implement context-aware decisions in 5G Control Plane.

Self-optimisation Use Case

GOAL: Autonomic behaviors to automatically respond to degradation of QoE levels (either actual or predicted), coupled with end-to-end proactive energy management for optimized resource deployment across the 5G network.
HOW: SELFNET monitoring and analysis tools to either observe or predict massive video traffic loads; self-adjusting traffic management mechanisms for reduction of delay and loss in video, placing intelligent encoding and packet marking schemes.
• Sensors, actuators and decision making logic to realize QoE-based video streaming.
• Novel energy monitoring sensors to develop a global view of energy usage across the network.

Hybrid Use Case

This use case aims to provide a complex hybrid use case in which all the previous self-organising functionalities will be integrated and will interwork together to present a complete scenario where the SELFNET Apps act vertically in solving problems in a coordinated fashion.

Source: 31 05 20

The launch of Wi-Fi network standards to enhance global roaming

31 May
The launch of Wi-Fi network standards to enhance global roaming

The Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) is launching what it has called an open global roaming Wi-Fi federation standard and has announced that it is open for business from today.

It claims that the new standards and resulting federation will take away the need for roamers to search for Wi-Fi networks, to repeatedly enter or create login credentials, or to constantly reconnect or login to public Wi-Fi. They will instead automatically (and securely) connect to a global network via participating Wi-Fi access networks and avoid the annoying barriers that make hotel and venue Wi-Fi inconvenient.

All Wi-Fi organisations are welcome to join, according to WBA CEO, Tiago Rodrigues, from Wi-Fi-using venues, to device vendors and operator/identity providers.

Rodrigues said that “Wi-Fi was already arguably the most successful wireless technology of our time, but with globally agreed standards and policies [for roaming], we can take public-guest Wi-Fi to another level.”

The WBA says that its OpenRoaming simplifies Wi-Fi and works in a similar way to cellular roaming. Companies who join up can enable their end users to automatically connect on any Wi-Fi network that is managed by a federation member. Participating entities will range from enterprises to coffee shops, concert venues to connected cars:

WBA OpenRoaming creates a world where Wi-Fi users move from one network to another without needing to constantly re-register or sign-in,” promises the WBA.

For the more experienced Wi-Fi users, this approach might remove the challenge and sense of achievement experienced by successfully logging on to Wi-Fi from some distant bar or hotel room. For the rest of us, however, it is the right time for something to be done.

Whatever the situation, it does seem like there is now a solid movement developing to finally get a intelligible and open international Wi-Fi roaming system started. The list of heavyweight participants is impressive and currently includes: Airmesh, Airties, Aprecomm, American Tower, Aptilo, AT&T, Boingo Wireless, Broadcom Inc, Cisco, Cityroam, Comcast, Commscope, Deutsche Telekom, Eduroam, Eleven Software, GlobalReach Technology, Google, Hub One, Hughes Systique Corp, Intel Corporation, IT&E, m3connect, Nomosphere, Orange, Purple Wi-Fi, Samsung, Single Digits, Sun Global, Veniam, WifiCoin and Zephyrtel.

The technical foundations of the cloud federation are made up of a global database of networks and identities; a dynamic Wi-Fi network discovery mechanism, and a core Wireless Roaming Intermediary Exchange (WRIX).

Cyber security involves Public Key Infrastructure and RadSec, providing the certificate policy, management and brokerage services.

The service is essentially a network of roaming partners that all adhere to the OpenRoaming framework, says the WBA. Users may join any network managed by a federation member and the network automatically authenticates devices by using established identity providers, such as a service provider, device manufacturer, cloud ID or even loyalty memberships.

WBA OpenRoaming, bridges the gap between Wi-Fi and cellular networks and allows users to roam between Wi-Fi networks seamlessly and securely without the use of splash pages or sign-in screens.

For users who are customers of these ‘identity providers’, this means they will automatically connect. It is based upon a set of standards within the industry including WBA’s Public Keying Infrastructure (PKI Radsec) for secure exchanges, Wireless Roaming Intermediary Exchange (WRIX), Wi-Fi Alliance’s Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Passpoint, amongst others, that provide enhanced security and enable the federation to scale quickly.

Any company that owns or manages a Wi-Fi network, whether an operator, city, enterprise or venue, can become a member and enable their customers to automatically authenticate and connect to other national or international Wi-Fi networks within the WBA roaming federation ecosystem – creating and enhancing business revenues and customer satisfaction, it is claimed.

Pricing will be up to each provider, says the WBA, which points out that the system can support all sorts of different business and commercial models. The key will be the WBA Wireless Roaming Intermediary Exchange (WRIX) which will engineer interoperability along with settlement and billing. In reality, this looks like the costs for many users could simply come out of any access fee they already pay to their Wi-Fi provider or telco, a proportion of which will be passed onto the other federation members as a good old-fashioned settlement.

So really – let’s be clear about this – it’s a telco model providing some extra security applied to a global data network (the internet), which, doesn’t need to highlight ‘roaming’. A properly functioning internet connection already enables roaming; once logged in, a user can access all the services and applications they usually enjoy when ‘at home’.

In fact, the agenda here is to enable credential-sharing and present it as if it were equivalent to conventional cellular roaming and charge for it accordingly.

Source: 31 05 20